Wednesday, July 26, 2006

This was on my best friend Patrick's blog a few days ago. Probably the nicest thing I've ever had anyone say about me. God truly has blessed me with a friend that sticks closer than a brother.
Congrats to Jason.July 5th, 2006
I think most of us have friends who we consider our little brother, or even our big brother. I’d have to say that my little brother would be my good friend Jason Simmons from Richmond Hill. We pretty much went through high school together, grew up in the same neighborhood, and both went to Georgia Southern and we were even roommates with 2 other guys in a 2-story house for a year. It’s funny to look back and think that I used to pick him up every morning on the way to high school…those were the days.
Now we are both college grads, have jobs, and still don’t know our right from our left at times, but we look out for each other, stay in touch, and whenever I’m home I always want to catch up with him. Well, just the other day Jason asked his girlfriend to marry him! Yup, Jason’s engaged and the guy I call my little bro is growing up and will soon have a wife. I’m so happy for the two of them and I know that she’ll be married to a real man of integrity, kindness, who has a servant’s heart.
Looks like I’ll need to rent another tux and plan a bachelor party…


At 9:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always glad to be your bro!


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