Monday, August 06, 2007

New post for the old blog.

I haven't been here in a while and as such am guilty of blog neglect. Please forgive me. These babies take up a lot of time!! haha Check out JP's blog to see what's happening with us and I promise to blog again soon!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

I'm a daddy!

Well I'm a new daddy! Check out the link to baby JP's page for more info.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Back again!

Today's been a slow day at the department. They've locked us down in the stations because of the fuel costs, so now I should have time to write a few more posts when I'm on shift. I just finished putting the first post on baby JP's new blog. You can find a link to it on the right in the links box. I hope to have some pictures up by the end of tomorrow. In the mean time all has been going well. I'm staying busy with work as is Beth and we both are trying to get the house ready for the new baby. It's really strange getting all this stuff ready for some one you've never met before. I have to admit to having fun putting together the fun fire trucks and other items that are going into the nursery. The crib was easier to put together than I thought it would be and I finished with it yesterday. Hope every one is doing well. Hope to post again shortly.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Living Life

Well I'm posting from work this time as we are, knock on wood, very slow today. This is a good thing and a great change of pace from all of the brush fires and car wrecks we've been running to lately. Beth is into her 6th month now and is getting bigger by the minute. I've recently had a thought. Most women when they are pregnant look cute, but they usually not happy about the whole pregnant thing. They love the idea of having a baby, but hate the being pregnant part. Josh maybe you have some things you can add to this thought. Even with all of this things are well with the baby and mother. Still planning on July 24th. In other news I have to retake the new hire physical agility test. I just had a horrible time, so I've been hitting the gym like a crazy man. I'm lifting and running everyday that I'm off work. I'm lifting so much that I'm getting used to being sore all the time. Hopefully in the next few weeks I'll be able to make the 18 minute time that's required. Please pray for me as this has not been an easy process at all. I'm also looking at going back to school for either a fire science degree or an emergency management degree. Still praying about both. I don't know if you saw the story on the news over the last day or not, but one of the Navy's Blue Angel Aircraft crashed at an airshow in Beaufort SC. Beth and I had a garage sale, to get rid of some stuff before the baby gets here, yesterday morning and then I convinced her to go with me to the air show. It was the first one that she had ever been to and I thought it would be a fun way for us to spend some time together. If you've ever been to see the Blue Angels you know that they are a great group of pilots who put on an awesome show that's really fun to watch. At the end of the show yesterday we we're watching the planes get set up for the last pass of the show when I heard a boom and turned around to see a large column of smoke rising from about a mile away. Being the fireman I knew that the dark black smoke was a bad sign and that something was burning very hot. We watched as all of the planes but 2 came in for a landing while the #1 plane circled the smoke. We all knew that something was very wrong by the way all of the pilots and crew just disappeared. We later found out that the pilot had indeed crashed into a residential neighborhood. We were all hoping for the best but because no one saw a parachute open after the crash we knew the pilot was most likely dead. The pilots of those planes are the best pilots in the Navy and Marine Corp and are trained to send the airplane as far away as possible from people on the ground in the event of a crash. It seems that this pilot was indeed a hero as he controlled the plane until the very end and was able to crash it between rows of trailers causing major damage to the homes but saving all lives on the ground. What an awesome act of servant hood this pilot showed by giving up his life to save others he'd never known. It makes me think about what Jesus did for us on the cross and how we should be willing to do that for others. May God bless the Family and Friends of the pilot of Blue Angels Plane #6 and pour out His grace and mercy on them in this time of loss. May we all learn how to be servants of others the way this Pilot was!

Monday, April 09, 2007

A long time comming!

Besides being the title of a really good Third Day song, it's a bout time that I started posting again. Beth and I just got cable and cable internet hooked up to the house. Welcome back to the 21st Century! I'm very excited as you can tell! Things are going well with the baby. We just passed 6 months and Beth is ready to be done with being pregnant. She also just got a promotion to a better position at Gulfstream, wich means she's not on the floor all day long. I think she's going to like it a lot in a few more weeks. I've been working 24 hour shifts for about the last 3 weeks. It's taken my body a while to get used to it but I think I'm going to like this schudule. I've been assigined to Fire station 12 where I drive a small ladder truck, picture comming soon, called a quint. I also have an ambulance crew there with me too. I'm going to try and get a baby blog up and going here before long and I'll post a link soon. That's it for now!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Last Day

Well it's my last day here at theradio station. I start with Southside Fire/EMS tomorrow. It's been a good year and I'm really happy with everything that I've been able to accomplish. I'm ready to jump back into the firefighting side of things again and think the change will do me good. I'm just not crazy about the hours. I'll be going from bankers hours of 9-5 to 6:45 to 4. My wife has no simpathy, as she is pregnant, and has been working this shift for 2 years. Anyways I have a new cell number and e-mail address that you guys can get by just posting a message for me. I might not be posting a much as I have in the past but I'll still be posting. I'm also going to get a blog going so that you can watch the progress of the baby. I think I'll call it Jason and Beth Version 2.0 What do you think? I'm open to suggestions.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Another change in life.

Well I'm getting ready for another big life change. I'm leaving the radio station in a week and starting full time at Southside Fire/EMS as a firefighter and I'll be in EMT school by March. I didn't want to leave but such is the life of a non-profit. I needed to make sure that I could carry us with my salary if Beth couldn't work. It will be a different change because Southside is a much better department than Bryan County was for me work for. It should be fun though. I've been working out again, trying to get back into shape to pass a physical agility test and that's been fun. I'm really just praying that God would put me where he wants me. It should be fun!! More updates soon.

Another change in life.

Well I'm getting ready for another big life change. I'm leaving the radio station in a week and starting full time at Southside Fire/EMS as a firefighter and I'll be in EMT school by March. I didn't want to leave but such is the life of a non-profit. I needed to make sure that I could carry us with my salary if Beth couldn't work. It will be a different change because Southside is a much better department than Bryan County was for me work for. It should be fun though. I've been working out again, trying to get back into shape to pass a physical agility test and that's been fun. I'm really just praying that God would put me where he wants me. It should be fun!! More updates soon.