Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Being relational

I've been reading through Matthew over the last few days and something caught my attention that I hadn't really thought about before. When Jesus called the first disciples they just left everything and went with Him. What got my attention was the fact that they didn't think they just went. Now I don't want to discount that a super natural event took place and they followed because of that, but I wonder about the relationship that Jesus had with these guys. It seems reasonable to think that these guys must have seen something in Jesus that they liked and decided to follow Him because of it. I could walk up to some people working at the ports today here in Savannah and say "Follow Me" and they would, most likely, look at me like I was crazy. What was is about Jesus that these guys found so irresistible and more importantly where can I get some of it? I've really been searching this out over the last few days because this directly relates to my generation. We are VERY relational, almost to a fault. We feel the need to connect with people on a personal basis and to be loved and listened to. I've really been asking God to speak to me about this as I feel that this is key for me as I work toward starting a new life group for people in my age group. How can I be relational and real the way that Jesus was then and continues to be now? How can I reflect that kind of love and interest in people where they are right now? How can I teach others to be more like Jesus in this way? It seems almost overwhelming but very exciting to me at the same time. I'm tired of the same old way of living and doing things and I'm ready to push into what God has called me to. How about you?


At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post bro. Sometimes i find it hard to be relational to people who are a little older than me, or how are married and have professional lives. I'm not sure why. Do you ever feel that being a musician you think differently than others? I do.

At 2:11 PM, Blogger josh said...

hey jason, just letting you know you'd been linked to.


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